WEG Transformers USA is very proud to announce the launch of our newly designed website www.weg.us! WEG is committed to “continuous and sustainable growth” and we believe that this site will help us stay true to our Mission.
“Our goal with this new website is to provide our visitors an easier way to learn about our services and solutions, while also allowing the visitor to browse information based on their own choice. The new website is creative, interactive, gives better access to web pages, and is above all simple.”
Marc Schillebeeckx – VP North America
Our new website offers user friendly features that you, as a user, can heavily benefit from:
Our “About” page gives users an overview of the WEG corporation, our Mission Statement, vision, and values. Additionally, we discuss the founding of our USA location, the history of our facilities, and the local organizations that we support.
The “Products” page clarifies the scope of our distribution and power transformers. We’ve included high definition drawings of each one of our product lines. On the specific product pages we’ve listed features and accessories that are frequently requested and/or included with our units.
The “Library” tab includes a list of downloadable PDFs. These documents are beneficial for new bids, in-house orders, or after sales assistance. These PDF’s include:
- Certifications
- Claim Form
- Code of Ethics
- Product Manuals
- Terms & Conditions
- Warranty
Visit our “News” page to stay up-to-date with our largest upcoming 147K sq ft distribution transformer expansion. This forum is where you can also find company announcements, and other employee news.
Finally, contacting WEG is easier than ever with our new “Contact” forms:
- Trying to email a specific department? The form on our “Contact” page will generate an email from the information you provide, and send it to the correct department.
- Wanting to join our team? There is an “Apply Now” button on our “Contact Page” that will direct you to a list of available positions within WEG.
- Needing a quotation? We’ve added a “Request a Quotation” button on multiple parts of our site. This form allows you to describe project information, attach specifications, and submit to the proper quotation specialist quickly.
- Filing a claim? You can find a “Claim Form” button under the “Library Tab”, and the footer. This form will generate a claim from the information provided and send it to our warranty department.

We hope that this new site enhances your experience with WEG Transformers USA. If you have any questions or comments, please utilize our “Contact” form, or email your representative.
WEG Will.